Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Downtown Bible School

Thank you to everyone who helped the past 2 Saturdays by canvassing the local neighborhoods downtown to invite people to Bible School. The Bible School will be held this Saturday at First Ave. Presbyterian Church.

On the first Saturday, Josh, Shelby, Joe, Matt and Rob passed about approximately 300 fliers and on the second Saturday, Shelby, John, Jody and Matt passed out another 300. We should be proud of our youth for willingly giving up their Saturdays to help others.

On the two Saturdays, our youth were treated to greasy cheeseburgers (Zesto and Big Top) followed by golf at Walther's Golf-N-Fun. I posted the score card from the second Saturday - please note the 35 and the 42 were shot by the adults (on a par 46 course). :)

(Josh, if you are reading this - and I know you are - that 35 is an average of 1.9 strokes per hole)

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