Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kairos Prison Ministry Testimony

Anthony has been working with the local chapter of Kairos Prison Ministry for the past few years. A few weeks ago, after being part of a Kairos weekend, Anthony gave the following testimony at church.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Beautiful Beautiful performed during a church service

Here is a video of Karyssa, Alyssa, Kelsey and Shelby singing Francesca Battistelli's "Beautiful Beautiful" during a recent church service. Great job ladies!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Angel By Your Side

During a service a few weeks ago, Caroline sang a song called "Angel By Your Side" (Francesca Battistelli).

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Basket Auction - Party In the USA

Last week, Caroline, Abbie, Carla and Lizzie performed their fundraiser dance to "Party in the USA". While Lizzie definitely showed them all up, they did a great job, and this was used to raise money for community outreach at the church!