Monday, September 29, 2008

Service - September 28th

Unfortunately the guy with the video camera forgot to bring his equipment this week, so we won't have any videos.

The service opened with a testimony about the story of Mary and Martha and their questions to Jesus about where he was when their brother Lazarus died. Caroline sang a song called Four Days Late. This is a southern gospel favorite written by Aaron Wilburn that was made famous by the group Karen Peck and New River.

Because that dumb video guy didn't bring his camera, here is a link to Karen Peck and her group singing the song:

Continuing his series on credit/investing, Pastor Rob spoke about how we need to invest if the church is to experience growth. He laid out the following points:

1. Focus on a gift-oriented ministry
2. Exhibit passionate spirituality
3. Empowering leadership (not empowered leadership)
4. Form follows function
5. Inspiring worship
6. Small groups
7. Sharing the gospel
8. Love quotient that is higher than can be experienced anywhere else

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