Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Movie 2008

The youth of our church created a Christmas movie this year that told the story of the birth of Jesus. This was shown at our service on December 21, 2008. Thank you to Robyn for all of her hard work writing the script and organizing this. We all enjoyed it very much!

Anthony, Jody, Bill, and many others also played a big part in getting this together. The movie is split into two parts. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

For those of you interested in how this came about, you probably noticed for the past month that there were sets all around the church. The youth used many church locations and props that were mostly found around the church, and the Junior High boys filmed the scenes. The Junior High boys then used a computer to splice the movie together, add images to the narrations, and add the transitions. So this was a great way to use modern technology to tell the story of the birth of Jesus in a new and exciting way!

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