Congratulations to Collin, Chase and William for finishing 2nd place last night in the Chandler Youth Athletics tball tournament. There were a lot of church members out there to cheer the boys on. Thank you as always for all the support for the youth in our church!
June 22nd was our "Team Appreciation" Sunday. In the videos below you will see several people (youth and adults) wearing their team uniforms. All youth participating in any type of team activity were honored during the service.
Pastor Rob preached on the importance of a team in both sports and also in a church. Last week, we spelled T.I.M.E. (see the article on the June 15th church service). This week we learned T.E.A.M.
T = Teachability E = Enthusiasm A = Availability M = Manageability
The service opened with the song Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone). If you enjoy this arrangement, you can find Chris Tomlin singing it on the album entitled "Amazing Grace: Music Inspired by the Motion Picture". I haven't actually seen the movie yet, however the soundtrack is wonderful and has a modern take on many popular hymns. If anyone has seen the movie, please post in the comments below and let us know about it!
The choir sang a medley that included Then Came the Morning, Lord You Are Hope and All Hail the Power.
Robyn, Caroline and Allison closed out the opening of worship by singing If We Are The Body. If you enjoyed this song, you can find it on Casting Crown's self-titled album "Casting Crowns".
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Bible school is in full swing this week. Thank you to all of the volunteers from our church who worked so hard to make this a huge success. If you look at these pictures below, you will see a big representation of Hemenway adults and youth.
Don't forget about Team Recognition Sunday on June 22nd! Kids, wear your team uniforms and bring your teammates. All teams and team members will be recognized during the service, and there will be a reception following the service.
The Outreach Committee will be at the Square Flair on Saturday, June 21st from noon until 8:00 PM. Our tent will be on the court house lawn on Locust Street across from Miller's. We will be passing out free bottled water, and we will have a game for kids where they can dig for buried treasure. If you come to the Square Flair, make sure to stop by and say Hi!
The Youth Group is going strong. Anyone from 5th grade on up through high school is welcome. We meet every other week over at Matt and Caroline's house. This is a great time of food, video games, table games, basketball and all around great fellowship.
Josh - if you read this, I couldn't remember. Did you lose at that soccer game twice? Or was it 3 times? I lost count as it was sooo easy.... :)
The last time we met, we discussed what life was like in the past. We talked about what people had to do to worship shortly after Jesus' death, as well as what it was like when us adults were kids. We talked about how we used to be able to pray in school, talk openly about our faith, etc. Then we discussed the growing trends of "freedom from religion" that consume our world now. We talked a bit about where things might be 10 years from now.
To drive the point home, we used the video below. If you can get past the 80's style haircut (which we agreed would look GREAT on Josh...), this video shows a chilling possible way the future could become.
Well, we tried something new yesterday by filming part of our service for the first time.
The service opened with Matt playing Above All on the piano. Notice Mary walking by at the beginning and looking into the piano. Well, someone (Rob...) put a rubber snake in there, hoping to scare the poor innocent piano player, however the plan didn't work. Operation Black Snake was a total failure...
Caroline then treated everyone to a touching version of Jesus Loves Me. If you enjoy this arrangement, check out Gaither Vocal Band - you will find it on their album entitled Give It Away. If you heard Caroline a few weeks ago singing I Catch Em, God Cleans Em - you will also find that song on the same album.
The choir sang a Father's Day Medley. If you are interested in joining the choir, don't forget that we meet every Wednesday night at 7 PM for practice. This is a very enjoyable time, and people of all ages and experience are welcome.
One of the new portions of our service is the Testimony. This is a part of the service where a congregation member can stand up and discuss anything on their mind. This has included readings, favorite Bible verses, as well as stories about struggles in life and how God's blessings have helped people endure. Mary shared with us a reading called "What If Your Bible Was Like Your Cell Phone?". (Be sure to listen for Carla scolding one of her kids.... or scolding Joe?... in the middle of the testimony).
Today Pastor Rob delivered a very powerful message about how love is spelled T.I.M.E. He talked about how the impact of any relationship - be it a family, church, etc. - really comes down to the time that you put into it. Thank you Rob for the challenge in this message. As a father myself, it really struck me of how easy it is to get caught up in day to day life and not make the time that means so much to the others around you.
I found the video that was played during the sermon, and wanted to share it with everyone.
The challenge to ALL of us this Father's Day is to remember this simple fact as shown in the video:
"To the world you may be just one person, but to one person, you might just be the world."
Here's a blast from the past. Last summer we had a fishing trip over at Rudolph's pond. We all learned 2 things here: a) When Gene says you can drive across his backyard, he doesn't really mean it and b) Glen doesn't feed his fish very often.
Pay special attention to Gene's pants in this video.
The canoe trip was a lot of fun. We had over 40 people from the church participate.
Special thanks to Kelly, Matt, Shelby and John for taking time to educate various church members on the importance of boating safety.
Thank you to the Hess family for demonstrating the proper way to exit a canoe in the middle of the river. We understand the water was cold, but you'll have to ask them to know for sure.